Deprecated List

Global evbuffer_readline (struct evbuffer *buffer)
This function is deprecated because its behavior is not correct for almost any protocol, and also because it's wholly subsumed by evbuffer_readln().

Global evbuffer_setcb (struct evbuffer *buffer, evbuffer_cb cb, void *cbarg)
This function is deprecated because it clears all previous callbacks set on the evbuffer, which can cause confusing behavior if multiple parts of the code all want to add their own callbacks on a buffer. Instead, use evbuffer_add(), evbuffer_del(), and evbuffer_setflags() to manage your own evbuffer callbacks without interfering with callbacks set by others.

Global evdns_add_server_port (evutil_socket_t socket, int flags, evdns_request_callback_fn_type callback, void *user_data)
This function is deprecated because it does not allow the caller to specify which even_base it uses. The recommended function is evdns_add_server_port_with_base().

Global evdns_clear_nameservers_and_suspend (void)
This function is deprecated because it does not allow the caller to specify which evdns_base it applies to. The recommended function is evdns_base_clear_nameservers_and_suspend().

Global evdns_count_nameservers (void)
This function is deprecated because it does not allow the caller to specify which evdns_base it applies to. The recommended function is evdns_base_count_nameservers().

Global evdns_get_global_base (void)
This function is deprecated because use of the global evdns_base is error-prone.

Global evdns_init (void)
This function is deprecated because it always uses the current event base, and is easily confused by multiple calls to event_init(), and so is not safe for multithreaded use. Additionally, it allocates a global structure that only one thread can use. The replacement is evdns_base_new().

Global evdns_nameserver_add (unsigned long int address)
This function is deprecated because it does not allow the caller to specify which evdns_base it applies to. The recommended function is evdns_base_nameserver_add().

Global evdns_nameserver_ip_add (const char *ip_as_string)
This function is deprecated because it does not allow the caller to specify which evdns_base it applies to. The recommended function is evdns_base_nameserver_ip_add().

Global evdns_resolv_conf_parse (int flags, const char *const filename)
This function is deprecated because it does not allow the caller to specify which evdns_base it applies to. The recommended function is evdns_base_resolv_conf_parse().

Global evdns_resolve_ipv4 (const char *name, int flags, evdns_callback_type callback, void *ptr)
This function is deprecated because it does not allow the caller to specify which evdns_base it applies to. The recommended function is evdns_base_resolve_ipv4().

Global evdns_resolve_reverse (const struct in_addr *in, int flags, evdns_callback_type callback, void *ptr)
This function is deprecated because it does not allow the caller to specify which evdns_base it applies to. The recommended function is evdns_base_resolve_reverse().

Global evdns_resolve_reverse_ipv6 (const struct in6_addr *in, int flags, evdns_callback_type callback, void *ptr)
This function is deprecated because it does not allow the caller to specify which evdns_base it applies to. The recommended function is evdns_base_resolve_reverse_ipv6().

Global evdns_resume (void)
This function is deprecated because it does not allow the caller to specify which evdns_base it applies to. The recommended function is evdns_base_resume().

Global evdns_search_add (const char *domain)
This function is deprecated because it does not allow the caller to specify which evdns_base it applies to. The recommended function is evdns_base_search_add().

Global evdns_search_clear (void)
This function is deprecated because it does not allow the caller to specify which evdns_base it applies to. The recommended function is evdns_base_search_clear().

Global evdns_search_ndots_set (const int ndots)
This function is deprecated because it does not allow the caller to specify which evdns_base it applies to. The recommended function is evdns_base_search_ndots_set().

Global evdns_set_option (const char *option, const char *val, int flags)
This function is deprecated because it does not allow the caller to specify which evdns_base it applies to. The recommended function is evdns_base_set_option().

Global evdns_shutdown (int fail_requests)
This function is deprecated because it does not allow the caller to specify which evdns_base it applies to. The recommended function is evdns_base_shutdown().

Global event_dispatch (void)
This function is deprecated because it is easily confused by multiple calls to event_init(), and because it is not safe for multithreaded use. The replacement is event_base_dispatch().

Global event_get_method (void)
This function is deprecated because it is easily confused by multiple calls to event_init(), and because it is not safe for multithreaded use. The replacement is event_base_get_method().

Global event_init (void)
This function is deprecated because it replaces the "current" event_base, and is totally unsafe for multithreaded use. The replacement is event_base_new().

Global event_loop (int)
This function is deprecated because it uses the event base from the last call to event_init, and is therefore not safe for multithreaded use. The replacement is event_base_loop().

Global event_loopbreak (void)
This function is deprecated because it is easily confused by multiple calls to event_init(), and because it is not safe for multithreaded use. The replacement is event_base_loopbreak().

Global event_loopexit (const struct timeval *)
This function is deprecated because it is easily confused by multiple calls to event_init(), and because it is not safe for multithreaded use. The replacement is event_base_loopexit().

Global event_once (evutil_socket_t, short, void(*)(evutil_socket_t, short, void *), void *, const struct timeval *)
This function is deprecated because it is easily confused by multiple calls to event_init(), and because it is not safe for multithreaded use. The replacement is event_base_once().

Global event_priority_init (int)
This function is deprecated because it is easily confused by multiple calls to event_init(), and because it is not safe for multithreaded use. The replacement is event_base_priority_init().

Global event_set (struct event *, evutil_socket_t, short, void(*)(evutil_socket_t, short, void *), void *)
event_set() is not recommended for new code, because it requires a subsequent call to event_base_set() to be safe under many circumstances. Use event_assign() or event_new() instead.

Global evhttp_connection_new (const char *address, unsigned short port)
It does not allow an event base to be specified

Global evhttp_connection_set_base (struct evhttp_connection *evcon, struct event_base *base)

Global evhttp_decode_uri (const char *uri)
This function is deprecated; you probably want to use evhttp_get_decoded_uri instead.

Global evhttp_parse_query (const char *uri, struct evkeyvalq *headers)
This function is deprecated as of Libevent 2.0.9. Use evhttp_uri_parse and evhttp_parse_query_str instead.

Global evhttp_start (const char *address, unsigned short port)
It does not allow an event base to be specified

Global signal_add (ev, tv)
This macro is deprecated because its naming is inconsistent.

Global signal_del (ev)
This macro is deprecated because its naming is inconsistent.

Global signal_initialized (ev)
This macro is deprecated because its naming is inconsistent.

Global signal_pending (ev, tv)
This macro is deprecated because its naming is inconsistent.

Global signal_set (ev, x, cb, arg)
This macro is deprecated because its naming is inconsistent.

Global timeout_add (ev, tv)
This macro is deprecated because its naming is inconsistent. The recommend macro is evtimer_add().

Global timeout_del (ev)
This macro is deprecated because its naming is inconsistent. The recommend macro is evtimer_del().

Global timeout_initialized (ev)
This macro is deprecated because its naming is inconsistent.

Global timeout_pending (ev, tv)
This macro is deprecated because its naming is inconsistent.

Global timeout_set (ev, cb, arg)
This macro is deprecated because its naming is inconsistent. The recommend macro is evtimer_set().
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